1.Am I eligible for membership?

If you are a member in good standing with the Union, employed by an employer who is signatory to a collective agreement requiring contributions to be made to the Plan, you will automatically be included as a member of the Plan on the date you become a full-time employee in accordance with the Collective Agreement.

2.Can a person who is not a member of the Plan become entitled to any benefits under the Plan?

Yes, but only if that person is a spouse or beneficiary or the estate of the member or deferred vested member, as provided for under the Plan or under applicable legislation.

3.Am I required or permitted to contribute to the Plan?

No, you are not required or permitted to make any contributions to the Plan.

4.What does my employer pay?

Each employer makes contributions to the Plan according to the provisions of the collective agreement. The entire cost of your benefits and administration is financed by the contributions made to the Plan and the earnings on the invested contributions.

5.Are the contributions made by my employer taxable to me?

No. These contributions are not added to your income and, therefore, are not taxable.

6.Is my personal RRSP affected?

Yes. Contributions made to any registered pension plan reduce personal RRSP room and are reported as a Pension Adjustment (PA) on your T4A slip issued by your Employer(s).

7.May I withdraw any of the contributions made to the Plan on my behalf?

No. You are not permitted to withdraw or have a refund of any contributions made to the Plan on your behalf.

8.Where do my employer’s contributions go and who pays the benefits?

All contributions are paid into, and all benefit payments are paid out of the pension trust fund of the Plan (the “Pension Trust Fund”).

9.What is the earliest date I can retire?

You may retire on the first day of the month co-incident with or next following the month in which you attain age 55, and receive a reduced pension.

10.What is the latest date I can begin receiving my pension?

You must commence your pension no later than the 1st day of December in the calendar year in which you turn age 71.

11.What happens if I return to work with my employer or a different employer participating in the Plan after my pension has commenced?

If you return to work for a Contributing Employer after you have begun to receive a pension from the Plan, you will continue to receive your pension payments and you will not accrue further benefits under the Plan.

12.Can I change the form of pension I have chosen?

Yes, provided you do so before your first pension payment has been made. Once your pension has started, you are not allowed to change your form of pension.

13.If I separate from my spouse before I retire, what happens to my pension?

Your pension could be considered a family asset and, as such, the value or benefits could be divided under the provisions of the family law legislation of your province of residence, subject to the terms of the Plan.

14.If I separate from my spouse after I retire, what happens to my pension?

Same answer as that to above, except that if your spouse is designated as your joint annuitant, you cannot change such designation.

15.Can I commute, surrender, assign, charge or create a security in my pension benefit or pension benefit credit?

No. You cannot commute or surrender a pension benefit under this Plan during your lifetime except in circumstances permitted by the Plan or the Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990 (Ontario) (e.g. small pension and shortened life expectancy). You cannot assign, charge or create a security in your pension benefit or pension benefit credit except in circumstances permitted by the Plan or the Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990 (Ontario) (e.g. on a marriage breakdown).

16.In addition to the pension paid from the Plan, what other pension benefits may I be eligible to receive?

In addition to the benefit payable under this Plan you may also be entitled to pension benefits from the Canada/Quebec Pension Plan and Old Age Security payments under the Old Age Security Act. A summary of available programs can be found in the Government Programs section of this site

17.What if I terminate employment with one employer covered under the Plan and start working with another Plan employer?

If you move from one Plan employer to another Plan employer, your membership in the Plan will be continued.

18.How do I apply for my pension?

You must complete an application and submit proof of your age. Depending on the option chosen, proof of age for your spouse is also required. A benefit cannot be paid until a written application has been made to the Plan’s administrative agent.

19.How is the Plan administered?

The Trustees have complete authority in administering the Plan.
The Trustees are responsible for the design, administration and operation of the Plan, including the receipt of contributions, payment of benefits, and the investment and maintenance of the Pension Trust Fund.

In order to carry out these responsibilities, the Trustees have appointed a trust company which has custody of the pension fund assets, investment managers who direct investments, a consultant who advises on the design and operation of the Plan, an actuary who monitors and advises on the funding of the Plan, an administrative agent to accept and record all information on contributions and Credited Service and to maintain clerical records pertaining to each member, and auditors to audit and prepare the financial statements.

The Trustees may appoint other professionals whose services may be required from time to time. The Trustees may amend the Plan terms, appoint new advisors and change the custodian of the Plan assets.

All contributions will be paid into the Pension Trust Fund, and all benefits and expenses of operating the Plan will be paid from the Pension Trust Fund

20.Can the Plan be terminated?

The Trustees may terminate the Plan. On such termination, the Pension Trust Fund will be used to pay pension benefits according to the terms of the Plan and the remaining assets will be dealt with according to the terms of the Plan. If the Pension Trust Fund is insufficient to pay all of the pension and other benefits under the Plan, the amount of pension and other benefits payable to each person entitled thereto will be reduced on a pro rata basis in accordance with applicable pension legislation.

21.Who can I designate as my beneficiary?

Any person or persons, or your estate, can be a designated beneficiary. However, if you have a spouse at the relevant time, any benefits which become payable on your death are paid to your spouse (unless he/she has previously waived his/her rights in writing). The payment of benefits to your spouse is not affected if you fail to designate him or her as a beneficiary.

22.Who qualifies as my spouse?

Any two people who
(a) a person you are married to, or
(b) a person you are living together in a conjugal relationship,
(i) continuously for a period of not less than three years, or
(ii) in a relationship of some permanence, if they are the natural or adoptive parents of a child, both as defined in the Family Law Act.

23.How do I designate or change my beneficiary?

You must complete and deliver to the Trustees the appropriate form, which is available from the Plan’s administrative agent.

24.What happens if I do not designate a beneficiary?

If you do not have a spouse and you do not designate a beneficiary, any benefits that become payable on your death will be paid to your estate.

25.What happens if my spouse or beneficiary dies before I do?

If your spouse or beneficiary predeceases you, and you do not designate another beneficiary, any benefits that become payable on your death will be paid to your estate.

26.Can I change my beneficiary after I retire?

Yes, provided the form of pension you elected is not a joint and survivorship annuity.

27.When I retired, I elected a Joint and Survivorship Pension. If the relationship with my spouse ends, can I change my joint annuitant to my new spouse?

No. This change is not permitted under the Plan.

28.What information will I receive about the Plan?

You will receive a booklet and explanation of material amendments effecting your benefits under the Plan. An annual pension statement showing a summary of the benefits that you have earned will be sent to you each year. In addition, from time to time you will receive a newsletter updating you on the Plan’s activity. On your retirement, termination of membership in the Plan or your death, you, or your spouse or personal representative (in the case of your death), will receive a statement containing the information prescribed by the regulation made under the Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990 (Ontario). You will also be entitled to inspect the Plan and its amendments and other documents prescribed by the regulation made under the Pension Benefits Act, R.S.O. 1990 (Ontario) once in each year of operation of the Plan.

29.How do I, or my beneficiary, apply for benefits?

A request for death, retirement or termination information form must be obtained from the Plan’s administrative agent or Local 95 and completed and returned to the Plan’s administrative agent.

30.Should I keep pay slips?

Yes, errors can occur in reporting. You should keep a record of: your employer(s); their address(es); and your earnings; and your hours worked (if available).

31.Should I notify the Plan’s administrative agent if I move?

Yes. Please notify the Plan’s administrative agent immediately if you change your address.

32.Do I pay any income tax?

All benefits paid out of the Plan are subject to income tax.

Insulators Local 95 Benefit Trust Fund c/o Benefit Plan Administrators 
90 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Suite 300 Mississauga, Ontario L5B 3C3